
FAQs About Sinus Surgery

If you suffer from chronic sinus problems, you already know how uncomfortable they can be. The stuffy head, congestion, and sinus headaches can make you miserable. Your ENT specialist can help. Dr. Brent Metts at North Texas Ear Nose & Throat in Rowlett, TX, provides a wide range of ENT services, including sinus surgery. He proudly serves residents of Rowlett, Rockwall, and Garland, TX, areas.

What You Need to Know about Sinus Surgery

Sinus surgery can help you get relief from chronic sinus issues. These are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about sinus surgery:

What conditions can be treated with sinus surgery?

Sinus surgery can provide permanent relief for a wide variety of sinus problems, including:

  • Chronic sinus headaches
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Abnormal sinus growths
  • Nasal or sinus polyps
  • Fungal sinus disease
  • Structural problems in your sinuses
  • Obstructions in your sinuses

Why should I consider sinus surgery?

Sinus surgery offers some important benefits. Consider that sinus surgery is:

  • Quick, and is performed on an outpatient basis, so there is no hospital stay
  • More comfortable than previous methods of sinus surgery
  • Less invasive because it often requires no incisions or sutures
  • Easier to recovery from, because it often requires minimal to no downtime

What are the different types of sinus surgery?

There are several different types of sinus surgery, all using the latest tools and technology. Consider:

Balloon sinuplasty, using a catheter with a balloon on the end. The catheter is inserted into your nostril and guided up to your sinus. When an obstruction is found, the balloon is inflated, which opens the blocked area. The balloon is deflated, and the catheter is removed.

Endoscopic surgery, using a thin tube known as an endoscope. The endoscope is moved through your nasal passages and up into your sinus. The endoscope can remove sinus polyps, nasal polyps, and abnormal growths.

Open sinus surgery, which may be required for more serious sinus conditions like cancer of the sinuses, correcting structural issues, or removing diseased tissue.

Want to Know More?

To find out more about sinus surgery and how it can help you, call Dr. Brent Metts at North Texas Ear Nose & Throat in Rowlett, TX, serving residents of Rowlett, Rockwall, and Garland, TX, areas. You can reach him in the office by calling (972) 475-9151, so call today.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



